Arc Infrastructure - Automated Heat Detection Software

Arc was looking to better understand how predicted and actual temperatures can be translated to heat speed restrictions to continue progress on a trail derailment to zero project.

The goal was to demonstrate if automated information gathered from BoM and DPIRD can improve Heat Speed Restriction (HSR) accuracy, particularly when removing it, and enable more rigorous and uniform process.

Interfuze were engaged to test this hypothesis through a proof of concept that could go on to form a production ready solution should the theory prove viable.

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Interfuze provided the solutions for this essential tool to ensure the Regions are fully covered through every aspect of Heat Speed Restrictions. They were able to take on board and listen to the regional requirements and provide real time results. This new concept marks a new and improved delivery of Network Heat Speed Restrictions. It has been a pleasure working with Interfuze.

Lee Ilic
Contract Specialist