Learning and sharing at the 2023 Latency Conference

Lindsey Duncan
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Lindsey Duncan
June 11, 2023

On 1 and 2 June 2023, the Perth tech community gathered at Optus Stadium for WA’s only native cloud application conference - the Latency Conference.

After a one year hiatus in 2022, the conference was back for the 2023 year, dedicated to exploring the cultural values, tools, and teams required for building and operating products in the cloud.

Interfuze was a supporter and sponsor of the conference - specifically for the Sundowner event on 2 June - and was also involved in the panel discussion, with our Managing Director, Lindsey Duncan participating.

Post the event, our team shared some of their learnings, and are now excited to implement some of our new knowledge when it comes to building secure, high performing cloud native applications. 

Key highlights of 2023 Latency Conference

The Latency Conference was divided into two days, with the first day consisting of four workshops led by teams from AWS, Microsoft and more, discovering everything from AI through to serverless adventures.

Day 2 was a conference day, showcasing some interesting talks in the AI space through to DevOps of video games.

“Some key highlights for our team were using machine learning to race AWS cars (modern day Scalextric!), seeing real world examples of how to package and productise ChatGPT and a deep fast dive into everything AWS related,” commented Lindsey. 

The Conference also provided our very own Managing Director - Lindsey Duncan - with an opportunity to be part of a panel session along with Amazon and Microsoft cloud experts, talking about the challenges in governance with AI, how best to train yourself for working in IT and understanding that if something is free then you are the product.

Big thanks to the Latency Conference team 

This event and opportunity to delve deeper into the ever changing and fast paced world of cloud technology would not have been possible without the passion of many of our tech community members and leaders. 

"A big thanks to the organisers of the Latency Conference for providing the Perth local tech scene with such a great opportunity to get together and gain deep insights into the latest from the world of cloud native code. Awesome venue and great speakers,” said Lindsey.

“The 2023 Latency Conference was a fantastic event to get involved in, support and learn from. We at Interfuze Consulting are very pleased to have been able to sponsor one of the highlight events for the Perth tech scene."

Want to know more about native cloud applications?

We invite you to get in touch with our Cloud team members via the contact us page. If you would like more information about the Latency Conference, including how to get involved for future years, check out their website.