Supporting the next generation of IT innovators

Branden Dekenah
Posted by
Branden Dekenah
January 12, 2023

As a proudly Perth based and operated company, our Interfuze Consulting team believe in serving and giving back to the Western Australian community within which we operate.

One way we do this is through our IT student internship program and working with computer science, business information systems and mathematics and statistics students from Murdoch University with guided experience in creating real world tech solutions for businesses.

A technology enhancement for the wine industry

For 6+ months, Murdoch University’s local internal, external and international students - Belinda Jones, Riley Markham, Kenneth Choong, Callum Bailey and Grace Cronin - have been working with our very own Branden Dekenah to develop a new web application for the wine industry.

The project saw our students conducting market research, designing a proof of concept, applying agile project management principles and developing a website prototype that connected databases and featured CRUD functionality.

“Prior to this project, I had never developed a website before and so the experience has helped to not only hone my project management skills but also practice technical capabilities that we previously learnt in the classroom into a real functioning digital product,” said Belinda Jones, a third year Computer Science and Business Information Systems double major student at Murdoch University.

“In addition, all of us involved in the project agreed that we have learnt better ways of working and communicating as a team - valuable insights that can only happen through collaboration between university and workplaces.”A BIG thanks to the students for their hard work, enthusiasm and commitment to learning, and to Murdoch University for the opportunity to support our next generation of IT leaders and professionals. Watch this space for a reveal of the students' exciting project.

Meet the students involved

We're very pleased to have been working with the following Murdoch University students for this project:

  • Belinda Jones, Computer Science and Business Information Systems double major student
  • Riley Markham, Computer Science and Mathematics and Statistics student
  • Kenneth Choong, Bachelor of Science in IT student, majoring in Business Information Systems
  • Callum Bailey, Computer Science student
  • Grace Cronin, Computer Science student

Other ways we are supporting our young tech and IT innovators

As mentioned earlier, we believe in supporting the next generation of IT specialists!

In addition to providing students with internship programs and real industry business cases, we also provide implement and IT Graduate Program.

Through our Graduate Program we work with organisations such as ACS and WA Universities to employ and train a graduate for 12 months.

Our Graduate Program support graduates to learn hands-on with some of the best in the industry, solving real digital challenges and developing skills for the modern age.